Sep 13, 2019 | Literature, OBM at Work
A sweet, short read, with a good lesson: Often, we get caught up in menial, tedious tasks that are thrust upon us by others, and that aren’t contributing to what we ultimately want to do, and those things usurp our energy and impede our ability to get where we want to be.
Aug 28, 2019 | Literature, OBM at Work
The first “CMO Reviews…” article goes to this classic! This book is a super quick read, and perhaps for a complete newbie manager, full of little gems. For my experienced OBM folks, or behavior analysts in general that understand “IT’S ALL THE SAME SCIENCE”, you may not get as much from the read. But for 35-45 minutes of effort, why not settle in with a cup of tea and take a break with this book?