Podcast – The Buzz with B&B Episode 2: Biagi on Sustainability, Mindful Living and Her Teeny Tiny House
In this episode, Biscontini grills Biagi on her zero waste goals, building her tiny house and meatless meals.
In this episode, Biscontini grills Biagi on her zero waste goals, building her tiny house and meatless meals.
As leaders, we strive to help our employees be successful through clear communication, reinforcement, and preventing them from overworking. But what about us?
Offering a lot of perks and benefits to employees is often a feather in the cap of business owners and leaders. But are you giving your best stuff away, instead of truly reinforcing employee behavior?
In the behavior analytic community, the concept of social validity revolves around the importance and acceptability of our practices to everyone impacted by what we do. This is no exception for the OBM practitioner!
Performance scorecards can be a fantastic way to deliver feedback and allocate reinforcement using objective data on behavior and performance outputs. In this blog, I’m going to highlight five of the (MANY) common issues that I have seen in companies that are opting to develop scorecard systems, and how you can prevent your organization from falling into these same “traps”.
In this article, Manny maps out Google’s eight behaviors of high performing manager, and how they relate to common OBM practices.