Oct 8, 2020 | Business Development, Employee Compliance, OBM at Work
Employee vs Contractor classification is a topic of great importance in the field of ABA. Many of our employees are misclassified, and with that misclassification comes hefty fines and potential criminal charges. Read along for questions to ask yourself to determine if your staff may be misclassified in the eyes of the IRS, and what to do about it.
Jul 7, 2020 | Increasing Productivity, Literature, OBM at Work
How do cognitive biases influence behavior within your organization? We explore three specific types of biases and give some real-world examples in this brief blog, in hopes that we can all become more aware of how a lack of awareness of bias can impact the world at work.
Jun 30, 2020 | OBM at Work, OBM Professional Development
If everything is a priority, nothing is priority. In this blog, we share one of our favorite (FREE) tools: The CMO Prioritization Matrix! Download it and get to work on what really matters.
Jun 22, 2020 | Increasing Productivity, Literature, OBM at Work
Are you training your staff to fluency, or just mastery? This blog will quickly introduce you to the concept of fluency training, and provide guidance from one of the thought-leaders in the fluency training space on how to help your staff build fluency and remove barriers.
May 12, 2020 | OBM at Work, OBM Professional Development
In the final installment of this multi-part blog series, we’re exploring the topic of business results and “soft skills”, and how this often acts as a barrier to prioritizing these skills in training programs.
Apr 24, 2020 | OBM at Work
Shannon was super excited to be invited to chat on The Autism Helper Podcast with Sasha Long to discuss how OBM can be used to work with teachers and paraprofessionals. Listen in here!