Your E3-ABA Results
The Employee Experience Evaluation for Applied Behavior Analysis

"In a world where money is no longer the primary motivating factor for employees, focusing on the employee experience is the most promising competitive advantage that organizations can create."
Jacob Morgan, keynote speaker, futurist and author of The Employee Experience Advantage
Like most novel innovations, the concept of the Employee Experience Evaluation (hereafter known as the E3) was born of frustration and disappointment with the current status quo around employee “engagement” or “satisfaction” surveys. In conversations between the teams at Chief Motivating Officers (a US-based consultancy) and Toolbox Training and Consultancy (a Switzerland-based team), we realized that the most popular tools currently used globally to assess “engagement” and “satisfaction” had a number of glaring errors that made their use, in retrospect, almost entirely useless for managers and leaders.
That is why we prefer to think in terms of employee experience, which constitutes an evaluation the entire employee lifecycle from the direct perspective of your staff members.

The objectives of the E3 are:
To Assess – The E3 is first and foremost an assessment tool: it aims to capture a snapshot of the organization and its functioning through the eyes of its employers. We carefully explore the current state of how the employee experience is perceived by each staff member, determining areas with the greatest room for improvement, as well as the areas in which the organization excels.
To Spark Change – Based on the assessment results, the CMO / TBX team makes behaviorally-anchored recommendations for the organization to deliver an optimal employee experience and help maximize its business goals. Each report includes customized recommendations for each area, as well as prioritized recommendations for the greatest potential impact in the shortest amount of time.
Demo Company Therapy, Inc – State, USA
(DATE YEAR) Evaluation Results

Item-by-Item Analysis
Area Findings and Recommendations
Appendix: Additional Detailed Analyses
By Organization Request
"I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
Jimmy Dean, American Entertainer
The E3 has been brought to you by the organizational behavior management professionals at:

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