Expectations of employee performance are clear and objective | | | | | |
My supervisor regularly observes me at work | | | | | |
My supervisor sets and follows up on objective goals related to my performance | | | | | |
My supervisor provides me regular feedback, at least weekly | | | | | |
The feedback I receive from my supervisor is immediate, relevant and constructive | | | | | |
Objective data is collected on my performance and is shared with me regularly | | | | | |
Feedback systems are formalized, documented, and discussed with me | | | | | |
Feedback includes both quantitative and qualitative measures | | | | | |
If an employee is performing at a below-expected level, feedback, coaching, and troubleshooting are provided by a supervisor | | | | | |
The organization has created a system in which I can make reasonable decisions about my daily work | | | | | |
Supervisors hold everyone accountable for the decisions they make | | | | | |
The organization has created an environment in which I can perform my tasks without unreasonable oversight or micromanagement | | | | | |
Team meetings are held on a regular basis and are useful for all attendees | | | | | |
Overall, the experiences I have with my supervisor are more positive than negative | | | | | |